Re: Tons of postgres.exe processes - Mailing list pgsql-hackers-win32

From Stan Vassilev
Subject Re: Tons of postgres.exe processes
Msg-id 004301c57ee5$b3c2dd30$0201a8c0@SV
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Tons of postgres.exe processes  ("Magnus Hagander" <>)
Responses Re: Tons of postgres.exe processes
List pgsql-hackers-win32
>> Hi, so I installed native 8.03 on my XP SP2 box - just for
>> testing, I need only support for about 3-4 simult. connections.
>> However I installed it and open the Task manager - and see at
>> least a hundred instances of postgres.exe process in there...
>> And I can't find a way to remedy this. I have no running
>> connections so technically it's redundant to have that amount
>> of processes.
>That's certainly not supposed to happen.
>What kind of application are you using? Are you 100% sure that it
>actually closes the connections as it should? The situation sounds a bit
>like a runaway connection pooling or such thing...
>If you run a "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity" query, does it show up all
>the processes as active backends?

no idea, psql doesn't want to accept my password... while pgAdmin connects
fine with the same.... no idea what's going on anymore. can I run sql query
from pgadmin? how?

>> Also I started experiening apps failing to start, show menus
>> or init other controls properly when running postgres.
>> Otherwise I could connect with the GUI admin and make a db
>> and a table in it...
>That would be the classic symptoms of a windows system running out of

The processes appear to take 60kb RAM (most), and I don't have anything
taking a lot of RAM (I have 1GB ram). So I guess an x-file again :(

pgsql-hackers-win32 by date:

From: "Magnus Hagander"
Subject: Re: Tons of postgres.exe processes
From: John A Meinel
Subject: Re: Tons of postgres.exe processes