i'm ready to upgrade (i know) to 7.1, but i have a big problem in my
[PostgreSQL 6.5.3] :
medias=> select * from contacts_secteurs;
... freeze ...
medias=> select * from contacts_secteurs where contact_id = 534;
534| 118| 6
534| 114| 1
(2 rows)
so, i cannot pg_dump this database = cannot upgrade !
the vacuum command freeze also, but wait, i just try it, and here the result
medias=> vacuum;
NOTICE: Rel contacts: TID 223/38: OID IS INVALID. TUPGONE 1.
NOTICE: Rel medias_categories: TID 28/81: OID IS INVALID. TUPGONE 0.
NOTICE: Rel contacts_secteurs: Uninitialized page 66 - fixing
NOTICE: Rel contacts_secteurs: Uninitialized page 67 - fixing
NOTICE: Rel contacts_secteurs: Uninitialized page 526 - fixing
NOTICE: Rel contacts_secteurs: Uninitialized page 527 - fixing
NOTICE: Index contacts_secteurs_contact_id_ke: pointer to EmptyPage (blk
527 off 169) - fixing
... freeze ...
like i said in past post (no answer), i don't want to loose data in my
upgrade, can someone try to help me to fix this, so i can be like you with a
good and stable version. if possible, this week-end, cause i have a vacation
on monday.