Hi all,
The problem: have Pygresql to use it with Python/Windows and wxPython
Syntoms: Python2.1 crashes when loading _pg.dll (renamed _pgmodule.dll)
Why? Python2.1/Win loading interfaces seems not to be the same than in
Solution: Recompile pgmodule with includes and libs of Python2.1/win and
the -mno-cygwin option (MINGW).
I managed to recompile it and it works, but it behaves not the same:
1. when I run Python2.1 from interactively inside DOS-Box, after doing a
import pg, std output disappears. (Also it works, I get no output.)
2. from inside IDLE this does not happen, but when I do the following:
>>> import pg
>>> db=pd.DB()
>>> q=db.query("select * from pg_database") # or whatever
>>> q
a) under cygwin it prints the the results of the query. type(q) returns
<type 'pgqueryobject'>
b) under IDLE/Win it prints <pg query result>. type(q) now gives also the
same: <type 'pgqueryobject'> (today, yesterday not).
It seems that Pygres buffers some standard output of libpq into the
queryobject for printing int out.