----- Original Message -----
From: "Tino Wildenhain" <tino@wildenhain.de>
To: "Ben-Nes Yonatan" <da@canaan.co.il>
Cc: "Martijn van Oosterhout" <kleptog@svana.org>;
Sent: Sunday, October 02, 2005 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Broken pipe
> Am Sonntag, den 02.10.2005, 16:39 +0200 schrieb Ben-Nes Yonatan:
>> Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
> ...
>> Well this is not the case (sadly.. :)) cause the process is running at
>> the server without any browser interface.
> Use the web as trigger only and a persistent long running process
> to read the job table and do the action - including setting a flag
> when its done.
Why should I use the web as a trigger (I assume that you mean with a
browser) when im running it from the command line?
I dont understand what do you mean with "a persistent long running process
to read the job table", Its one process which need to be run step by step,
with small files (total of less then 1.7 million rows) its working gr8 but
when I try to load it with more data it just stop with the error:
2005-09-30 17:12:13 IDT postgres : LOG: 00000: duration: 18730038.678
ms statement: UPDATE product_temp SET nleft=(SELECT
2005-09-30 17:12:13 IDT postgres : LOCATION: exec_simple_query,
2005-09-30 17:12:13 IDT postgres : LOG: 08006: could not send data to
client: Broken pipe
2005-09-30 17:12:13 IDT postgres : LOCATION: internal_flush, pqcomm.c:1050
2005-09-30 17:12:13 IDT postgres : LOG: 08P01: unexpected EOF on client
2005-09-30 17:12:13 IDT postgres : LOCATION: SocketBackend, postgres.c:287
2005-09-30 17:12:13 IDT postgres : LOG: 00000: disconnection: session
time: 6:04:58.52 user=postgres database=poweraise.com
2005-09-30 17:12:13 IDT postgres : LOCATION: log_disconnections,
I also tried persistent connection (thought that maybe you meant that even
if it unlikely) and it didnt work too.
About the flag I guess that its important only if the process need a browser
as a trigger.
Shana Tova! (hebrew happy new year :))
Ben-Nes Yonatan