Actually I would go with a really flat structure, so we can simply use "default" and "public" visibility of classes to
distinguishbetween API and implementation. If more structure is wanted, we could use "org.postgresql" vs.
"org.postgresql.internal"to make it more clear which classes are private and which are published.
Unfortunately Java has no "friends" declaration. :-(
-----Original Message-----
From: Vladimir Sitnikov []
Sent: Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2015 18:35
To: Markus KARG
Cc: List
Subject: Re: [JDBC] Public vs internal APIs
> instead restructuring the package hierarchy, as this is was it was invented for originally.
package-private is not enough.
Java9 will have modules for that, however we would have to live with
java8 for a while.
Which package would you suggest for org.postgresql.util.LruCache?