Following the examples in the docs I've come to this.
I am attempting to restore the existing sql dump using
psql -d PDW -f aurel.sql
I am then asked for a password.
I try every password that the computer knows with no success.
Funny thing the password cursor doesn't move when inputting the password.
I keep getting authentication failure.
When I attempt to do a new pg_dump with -Fc I also get a request for
password with identical results.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Adrian Klaver" <>
To: <>
Cc: "Bob Pawley" <>; "Tom Lane" <>
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2007 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] pg_restore
> On Sunday 28 October 2007 3:40 pm, Bob Pawley wrote:
>> This is the dump command
>> pg_dump -h localhost -d Aurel -U postgres
>> Could you suggest a dump command that will match the restore command -
>> pg_restore -h localhost -d PDW -U postgres aurel.sql
>> Thanks
>> Bob
> It depends on what you want to do. But to use pg_restore you will need to
> use
> one of either -Fc or Ft after the pg_dump command. My concern is that you
> are
> connecting to a different database name in the dump and restore commands.
> This may be what you want, but then again it may not.I would suggest
> reading
> the information at the URL below before proceeding further.
> --
> Adrian Klaver