Compiling PostgreSQL 8.0.3 under SCO OpenServer6 - Mailing list pgsql-admin

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Subject Compiling PostgreSQL 8.0.3 under SCO OpenServer6
Msg-id 002901c59e5a$6d844f40$340aa8c0@geisslinger
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List pgsql-admin
Compiling PostgreSQL 8.0.3 under SCO OpsenServer6 following problems come out:
Unzip the PGSQL-code you get old files of config.guess und config.sub, which occurs an error.
The message of the errors includes a link where you can get the new version of these files, but this link is wrong.

pgsql-admin by date:

From: "Shilpa Tisgaonkar"
Subject: Getting an error in connection refused
From: Sergey Moiseev
Subject: Re: SQL Server 2000 to PostgreSQL 8.0.3