The other day when i tried to call a function that returns a set, and i got some error that bla bla context bla bla error =)
After i checked the sources i found that the driver is calling "select myfunc()"(<7.3) instead of "select * from myfunc()"(<=7.3)
So i wrote myself the following patch, now i wonder why this havent been done earlier?
? pgsql-7.3-jdbc-driver-update.patch
Index: src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc1/AbstractJdbc1Statement.java
RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql-server/src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc1/AbstractJdbc1Statement.java,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.12.2.2 AbstractJdbc1Statement.java
*** src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc1/AbstractJdbc1Statement.java 2002/11/20 07:54:27
--- src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/jdbc1/AbstractJdbc1Statement.java 2003/01/29 20:43:50
*** 1832,1837 ****
--- 1832,1838 ----
* {? = call <some_function> (?, [?,..]) }
* into the PostgreSQL format which is
* select <some_function> (?, [?, ...]) as result
+ * or select * from <some_function> (?, [?, ...]) as result (7.3)
private String modifyJdbcCall(String p_sql) throws SQLException
*** 1876,1882 ****
// sql we add a dummy parameter in this case
l_sql = (isFunction ? "?" : "") + l_sql.substring (index + 4);
! l_sql = "select " + l_sql + " as " + RESULT_COLUMN + ";";
return l_sql;
--- 1877,1887 ----
// sql we add a dummy parameter in this case
l_sql = (isFunction ? "?" : "") + l_sql.substring (index + 4);
! if (connection.haveMinimumServerVersion("7.3")) {
! l_sql = "select * from " + l_sql + " as " + RESULT_COLUMN + ";";
! } else {
! l_sql = "select " + l_sql + " as " + RESULT_COLUMN + ";";
! }
return l_sql;
Lars Stenberg