I've come across tons of information on using Access with PostGre, and am thankful for this. Be this as it may, the
upsizingtool I
found to convert our access databases to postgre seems to puke on our 800+ meg databases (which is why we're doing
software was created by idiots with no scalability in mind). I downloaded pgadmin, the latest version as of a week
ago. This works
great, congrats to it's maintainers. My problem is the same above mentioned idiots used double and single field types
money. Being that our software handles property tax for government counties, we can't have any rounding errors. So I
using the numeric(x,y) type, so I fire up the migration tool built into pgadmin, edit the typemaps to throw singles and
numeric, and it fails because it doesnt seem to give the numerics a length. It feeds postgre fieldname
this fails.. anybody have a better solution for migrating our data? I can make all 300 tables by hand if need be, but
the millions of records in i'm worried about.
Thanks in advance,
Richard A. Holland
Equitech Information Systems