Here's the story:
* I created a table with a SERIAL type
* I decided i'd rather insert the ids manually, so I dropped the sequence
* when trying to restore from backup, psql fails because there's no
sequence, and pg_dump created the table definition as if the sequence was
still there
* I removed the "default nextval ('xxx_seq'::text)" from the table
definition, now restore works correctly.
Here's a snippet from the dumpfile:
CREATE TABLE "product" (
"id" int4 DEFAULT nextval('product_id_seq'::text) NOT NULL,
"name" text,
The sequence 'product_id_seq' is the one which was dropped. The restore
fails with "Invalid command: \N" when it reaches the first COPY FROM, which
refers to another table.
BTW, the bugtool page in the postgres website has blanks where it should be
telling us where to post bug reports.