> You may not know this, but you can create objects with case sensitive
> create table "Base" (columna integer);
> create table "BASE" (columna integer);
> create table Base (columna integer);
I know this. it's good if it's an sql-standard. What does it change?
> The first two creates will create tables whose names are case-sensitive
> and thus in order to access these tables you will always need to quote
> their names so that the SQL parser knows to retain the case. The last
> create above will create a lowercase named table as postgres folds
> unquoted identifiers to lowercase.
> Now the interesting thing when it comes to jdbc is that all three of the
> above tables can exist at the same time.
sql-engine can work with whis. Why jdbc code doesn't?
Did you play with your example in psql with \d <name> command? Something
different with getTable in jdbc? :) Why?