> We have a directive called WIN32_ONLY_COMPILER that's used for this.
> It'll pick up MSVC and Borland C++ which normally behave at
> least almost the same.
> > I am installing mingw to test the patch there. Chances are
> it will break
> > because mingw does __declspec(dllimport) differently than msvc
> Thanks.
> //Magnus
Humm... I was expecting it to break... but it compiled just fine :)
Here are the steps I took..
On a Win 2003 VM (VMWare):
1. Installed MinGW-5.1.3.exe
2. Installed MSYS-1.0.10.exe
3. Installed msysDTK-1.0.1.exe
4. Installed gettext-0.14.4.exe into C:\MinGW
4. Downloaded sources tarbal
5. ./configure --prefix=/home/gevik/build --without-zlib --enable-nls
6. make check, every thing was OK and 114 tests passed :)
7. make install,....initdb...createdb....etc..etc..
8. set LC_MESSAGES and tested. See attachment :)
The patch works both for MSVC and MINGW.