php3 compatibility? - Mailing list pgsql-general
From | アムス |
Subject | php3 compatibility? |
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Re: OT: php3 compatibility?
List | pgsql-general |
My current PHP is version 4.22. However, the program I installed was developed to use PHP 3.0.15 with extention to php3. Now the problem I found was that somehow include statement is not really working. Here I include the code for menu.php3. This calls to include for admchk.func and gw.conf file. However, they seem not to be included within menu.php3. menu.php3 ------------------------------------------------------ <? include("gw.conf"); include("include/admchk.func"); $conn = @pg_Connect($host,"5432","","",$masterdb); if (!$conn) { echo "<B>・ヌ。シ・ソ・ル。シ・ケタワツウ、ヒシコヌヤ、キ、゛、キ、ソ。」</B><BR>\n"; exit; } ?> <HTML> <?//include("include/body.conf")?> <BODY BACKGROUND="images/<?echo $menubg?>" MARGINHEIGHT="0" MARGINWIDTH="0" TOPMARGIN="0" LEFTMARGIN="0"> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=3 width=60> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=3 ALIGN=center><A HREF="index.php3" target="Main"><IMG SRC="images/btn_top.gif" BORDER=0 ALT="TOP"></A></TD> </TR> <? $sqlstr = "select * from appconf where use = 't' and cngok = 'f' order by sort_order;" ; $Menu = @pg_exec($conn,$sqlstr); $Endd = @pg_numrows($Menu); $i = 0; while ($i < $Endd){ if ($i%3 == 0) { echo "<TR>"; } echo "<TD><A HREF=\"" . @pg_result($Menu, $i , "link") . "\" target=\"Main\">"; echo "<IMG SRC=\"images/"; echo ereg_replace(".gif","_s.gif",pg_result($Menu,$i,"gazou")); echo "\" alt=\"".@pg_result($Menu,$i,"name")."\" border=0></A></TD>\n"; $i++; if ($i%3 == 0) { echo "</TR>"; } } if ($i%3 != 0) { echo "</TR>"; } $admin = admchk($conn,$PHP_AUTH_USER); if ($admin > 0){ $sqlstr = "select * from appconf where use = 't' and cngok = 't' order by gwap;"; $Menu = @pg_exec($conn,$sqlstr); $Endd = @pg_numrows($Menu); $x = 0; while ($x < $Endd){ if ($x%3 == 0) { echo "<TR>"; } echo "<TD><A HREF=\"" . @pg_result($Menu,$x,"link") . "\" target=\"Main\">"; echo "<IMG SRC=\"images/"; echo ereg_replace(".gif","_s.gif",pg_result($Menu,$x,"gazou")); echo "\" alt=\""; echo @pg_result($Menu,$x,"name")."\" border=0></A>\n</TD>"; $x++; $i++; if ($x%3 == 0) { echo "</TR>"; } } if ($x%3 != 0) { echo "</TR>"; } } ?> <? @pg_FreeResult($result); @pg_Close($conn); ?> </TABLE> </CENTER> <? /******* テ\x90囚此屮離好轡▷▲漫▲院▷廛\xA4顥魯燹▲院◆ΑㇰΕ漫≫殴魯ぅ掘▲曄廛▲吋筺▲泪魁ΑΕ①▲蓮◆◆▲漫▲叩▲拭\xA2 オ、、。」******* include ("include/copyright.conf") ************* "Copyright" Don't Remove!! ******************************/ ?> </BODY> </HTML> --------------------------------------------------- End of menu.php3--------------- --------------------- Begining of admchk.func -------------------------------------- <? /************************************ admchk : エノヘ鈐轡筌咩↗灰\xB3 ー絺\x88↗\xA1arg1 = DBタワツウID 。。。。。ァarg2 = シメーハヨケ *************************************/ function admchk($arg1,$arg2) { $sqlstr = "SELECT count(*) "; $sqlstr .= "FROM administrators "; $sqlstr .= "WHERE emp_cd = '$arg2';"; $result = @pg_exec($arg1,$sqlstr); if (!$result) { return 0; } return @pg_result($result,0,"count"); } ?> ---------------------------------- End of admchk.func ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ Beginning of gw.conf --------------------------------------- <? $host = "localhost"; $masterdb = "masters"; $admin = "skyboard@localhost"; $maxfilesize = 52428800; $bgimage = "back_w.gif"; $bgtable = "#ffffff"; $menubg = "back_r.gif"; $useimode = "yes"; $authimode = "yes"; $telnotify = "yes"; $chasen = "/usr/local/bin/skycha"; $msgontop = "No"; ?> --------------------------------- end of gw.conf ----------------------------------- Would this be not compatible to be used in PHP4.22? If so, how can I change these codes to make compatible to PHP4.22? I thank you very much in advance. Abraham Lee AMS
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