Re: Dump - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Mihai Gheorghiu
Subject Re: Dump
Msg-id 000c01bfd08e$97f34820$c39c103f@new6
Whole thread Raw
In response to Dump  (Trurl McByte <>)
List pgsql-general
All tables have names starting in tbl - they were exported from Access using
the public domain ODBC drivers.
Could the problem originate here?

>Error in dumpig defaults on serial type!
>If table name have non-statndart name (example: "Order")
>sequenser auto created with name "Order_id_seq".
>In the dump filed definition is:
>"id" int4 DEFAULT nextval ( 'Order_id_seq' ) NOT NULL,
>, but need:
>"id" int4 DEFAULT nextval ( '"Order_id_seq"' ) NOT NULL,
>      Trurl McByte, Capt. of StasisCruiser "Prince"
>|InterNIC: AR3200                   RIPE: AR1627-RIPE|
>|--98 C3 78 8E 90 E3 01 35  87 1F 3F EF FD 6D 84 B3--|

pgsql-general by date:

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Subject: Postgresql
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