thanks for help [solved] - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Egyud Csaba
Subject thanks for help [solved]
Msg-id 000b01c29a8a$2a2f4320$800a0a0a@xxx
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List pgsql-general
Dear Everybody!

Thank you all for helping me on my performance problems.

I managed to upgrade Postgres from 7.0.3 to 7.2.3. It went soothly and
solved all my performance problems.
The replication duration has fallen down from 2 days to 10 seconds.
I confess that I've never used vacuum before the upgrade. Maybe it wolud
have been enough to run vacuum regularry on 7.0.3. But the newer the better,
I suppose.

Particular thanks for doc-writers: I found much valuable and well usable the
documentation PDFs (especially the Admin Guide).

Again, thank you all, and best reguards

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Subject: Re: What could cause total crash of a postgres installation?
From: Bruce Momjian
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