I like MS SQL Server on NT, it has integerated security. ;-)
Asking ordinary users to remember extra passwords
is not going to work. Either they won't do it or they
will use lots of easy ones like 'mouse', child's name, etc.
> > I think the original point was that some people use the
> same or related
> > passwords for psql as for their login password.
> This may sound cold, but isn't that their own problem. I can remmeber
> being told the first time i needed a passwd "don't reuse this" .
> There should come a tiem when people take their own security a little
> more into their own hands, but hey that's just me :)
> jeff
> ======================================================
> Jeff MacDonald
> jeff@hub.org webpage: http://hub.org/~jeff
> jeff@pgsql.com irc: bignose on EFnet
> ======================================================