I'm trying to load up the old pgAdmin II source but running into some problems.
1) I have followed the instructions - uninstalled any installations, registered the DLL's in the binaries directory and pgAdmin2.exe runs ok from that directory.
2) I manually edit the pgadmin2.vbp file to ensure that the paths to the Reference libs are correct, example:
Reference=*\G{00000200-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}#2.0#0#..\..\..\..\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO\msado20.tlb#Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library
3) I have Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 SP5 installed.
4) I attempt to open the Visual basic project file pgadmin2.vbp and I get the following message:
Errors during load. Refer to "C:\Projects\pgadmin\pgadmin2\pgadmin2\frmMain.log"
frmMain.log contains the following lines:
'0' could not be loaded
Line 0: The file C:\Projects\pgAdmin\pgadmin2\pgadmin2\frmMain.frm could not be loaded.
5) I check that all 6 objects listed in the project file (pgadmin2.vbp ) are loaded under menu "Project | Components..." - all are there.
6) I check that all 6 References listed in the project file (pgadmin2.vbp ) are loaded under menu "Project | References..." - all are there.
At this point I'm a bit stuck and my VB skills are insufficient to figure out what I should be doing or looking for next?
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Donald Fraser.