nested inner join help - Mailing list pgsql-sql

From Darryl M. Wolski
Subject nested inner join help
Msg-id 000801c1973d$75ea1980$ae00a8c0@arbour
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Responses Re: nested inner join help
Re: nested inner join help
List pgsql-sql
I  have a query which works perfectly fine in mysql but won't
work in the same database in postgres...
Can anyone take a look at this and tell me what the problem is?
I get a parser error at (.
SELECT orderlines.quantity, products.productname, products.productcost, customers.custlname,customers.custfname
FROM (((orders INNER JOIN orderlines ON orders.orderid = orderlines.lnkorderid)  INNER JOIN customers ON (customers.custid = orders.lnkcustid)) INNER JOIN products ON (products.productid = orderlines.lnkproductid))
WHERE (((orders.orderid)=2));
It seems as soon as I try to nest an INNER JOIN I get these parser errors. I have tried this query a few different ways, and still cant get it to work.
Thank you so much!!
Darryl Wolski

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From: "Ty"
Subject: Meta Data/Schema/DDL
From: "steve boyle"
Subject: Re: SQL Joins