> Works the same for me with either pipe or socket connection. I think
> something must be broken on your platform --- what platform are you
> using, anyway?
Linux. I've tested this with 2.2.15pre7 & 2.4.0test1-ac22-riel kernels.
> > db=> select count(*) from pg_class;
> > pqReadData() -- read() failed: errno=32
> > ���������� �����
> The two obvious questions about this are (a) what is errno 32 on
> your system and (b) why is your strerror() yielding garbage instead
> of an appropriate error message?
a. It's broken pipe
b. Sorry, it's (a) in russian.
> On my system errno 32 is EPIPE, but surely read() should never
> return EPIPE.
That's right... But what should read return if connection is closed by other side?
Sincerely Yours,
Denis Perchine
E-Mail: dyp@perchine.com
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