On Fre, 02 Jun 2000, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
>At 11:17 2000-06-02 +0530, Pragati Sagar wrote:
>>I already have a database created in mysql. But now I want to shift from
>>mysql to postgresql but my problem is how to convert mysql database to
>>postgresql. How will I import the tables from mysql? Please help me with
>>this as I have not been able to find any diocumentaion on the net.
>Does mysql have a command analogous to pg_dump? If you could get all the
>data out and include the SQL commands it takes to recreate the database,
>that would be best.
>Alternatively, you export the data into tab or comma-delimited text files
>and use the \copy command in psql to import it into existing tables.
You could also write a perl script, that fetches the data from the mysql db
and inserts it into the psql db using DBI.