On Sun, 21 May 2000, Chris Bitmead wrote:
> "Robert B. Easter" wrote:
> > I guess the major difference is that the hierarchial-model does not
> > support multiple inheritance.
> I don't agree. From SQL3...
> "To avoid name clashes, a subtype can rename selected components of the
> representation inherited from its direct supertypes."
> and if that doesn't clinch it...
> "Let the term replicated column mean a column appearing in more than one
> direct supertable of T that is inherited by at least one of those direct
> supertables from the same column of a single higher-level supertable."
> That sounds like multiple repeated inheritance to me.
What is the date on the copy of the SQL/Foundation you are reading? My copy is
dated September 23, 1999 ISO/IEC 9075-2 SQL3_ISO. I tried searching for the
quotes above and could not find them. Do I have the correct version?
Robert B. Easter