Sorry to bother everyone, but the research function for postgres mailing list
seems not to function.
Is there any problem report with JDBCRowset.getMaxFieldSize() method in
PostgreSQL JDBC 6.5.2 driver ?
Guillaume Rousse
Iremia - Universit� de la R�union
15 avenue Ren� Cassin, BP 7151
97715 Saint Denis, messagerie cedex 9
Tel:0262938330 Fax:0262938260 ICQ:10756815
And now, some words for our sponsor :
Explosives, guns, assassination, conspiracy, primers, detonators, Kakadan,
initiators, main charge, nuclear charges, ambush, sniping, motorcade, IRS,
ETA, FARC, Cuba, Castro, Che Guevara, revolution, ATTAC, BATF, jtf-6...