Re: Storing Binary Data - Mailing list pgsql-odbc
From | Mike Miller |
Subject | Re: Storing Binary Data |
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Msg-id | 000201c2f25f$39c76920$1bf014ac@gwain Whole thread Raw |
In response to | Storing Binary Data ("A Mohan" <>) |
List | pgsql-odbc |
Here are two functions I wrote about two years ago to do this very thing. You will have to modify them to fit your needs, but it will give you a start. intGetPicture = SQLGetLargeObject("Student", "StudentID = " & strStudentID, "Picture", "C:\temppic.jpg", "select * from Student where StudentID = " & strStudentID) ' 0 = OK ' 1 = Error ' 2 = No piture available Function SQLGetLargeObject(strTableName As String, strThisRow As String, strField As String, strFile As String, strSQL As String) As Integer Dim rsFetch As ADODB.Recordset Dim intFileHandle As Integer Dim lngFileLength As Long Dim byteMemChunk() As Byte SQLGetLargeObject = 1 ' Open a recordset of the table Set rsFetch = New ADODB.Recordset With rsFetch '.Open strTableName, adoConnection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable .Open strSQL, adoConnection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText .MoveFirst .Find strThisRow ' If the end of the recordset is reached then exit with error If .EOF = True Then rsFetch.Close Set rsFetch = Nothing 'SevereErrorMessage "Could not find the requested row when looking for a large object." Exit Function End If End With ' Get the length of the stored object lngFileLength = -1 lngFileLength = rsFetch.Fields(strField).ActualSize 'DebugShow "Size of blob:" & CStr(lngFileLength) ' Check to see if blob available If lngFileLength = 0 Then SQLGetLargeObject = 2 Exit Function End If ' Initialize the file where to store the blob intFileHandle = FreeFile Open strFile For Binary Access Write As intFileHandle ReDim byteMemChunk(1 To lngFileLength) ' Get it from the database byteMemChunk() = rsFetch.Fields(strField).GetChunk(lngFileLength) ' ... and store in the file Put intFileHandle, , byteMemChunk() ' Tidy up Close rsFetch.Close Set rsFetch = Nothing SQLGetLargeObject = 0 End Function strSQL = "update Student set Picture = ? where StudentID = " & Me.Tag If SQLPutLargeObject(strSQL, "Student", Me.picStudent.Tag) = False Then DebugShow "Could not update the student table with a new picture." bError = True End If Function SQLPutLargeObject(strSQL As String, strPlaceName As String, strFile As String) As Boolean Dim adoCommand As ADODB.Command Dim adoParmFile As ADODB.Parameter Dim intFileHandle As Integer Dim lngFileLength As Long Dim byteMemChunk() As Byte Dim lngRecordsAffected As Long Set adoCommand = New ADODB.Command SQLPutLargeObject = False ' Set up the command adoCommand.ActiveConnection = adoConnection adoCommand.CommandText = strSQL adoCommand.CommandType = adCmdText DebugShow strSQL ' Open the file for reading intFileHandle = FreeFile Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFileHandle lngFileLength = LOF(intFileHandle) ' If file length is 0 then exit function If lngFileLength = 0 Then ' Tidy Up Close Set adoCommand = Nothing 'SevereErrorMessage "Could not open " & strFile Exit Function End If ' The fourth parameter indicates the memory to allocate to store the object Set adoParmFile = adoCommand.CreateParameter(strPlaceName, adLongVarBinary, adParamInput, lngFileLength + 100) ReDim byteMemChunk(1 To lngFileLength) Get intFileHandle, , byteMemChunk() ' Insert the object into the parameter object adoParmFile.AppendChunk byteMemChunk() adoCommand.Parameters.Append adoParmFile ' Now execute the command adoCommand.Execute lngRecordsAffected 'DebugShow "Records affected:" & lngRecordsAffected ' Tidy Up Set adoCommand = Nothing Close SQLPutLargeObject = True End Function -----Original Message----- I would like to know how to store and retrieve binary data in PostgreSQL thourgh ODBC from Visual Basic Program. Please help me for this. I want to store image files. This is most urgent.
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