I am having a problem with an ADO recordset where a date restriction is in
the where clause. I am desperate for a solution to this mystery. Here is
the code
dim rstPr as ADODB.recordsetdim UpLoaddate as datedim acctID as integer
cnn = "ODBC;DATABASE=Sandbox;UID=Peter;PWD=;DSN=SQL server"UpLoaddate = #10/9/2001#
Set rstPr = New ADODB.RecordsetrstPr.Open "select * from tblPrices where tblPrices.Pricedate = " &
UpLoaddate, cnn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
I get no records even though some exist. (UpLoaddate is a date variable in
VB and tblPrices is an SQL Server table.)
When I use the DAO object, i get the recordset I expect.
dim rsttest as DAO.recordsetdim UpLoaddate as datedim acctID as integerdim db as DAO.database
UpLoaddate = #10/9/2001#
Set db = OpenDatabase("d:\PolarTools\Sandbox.mdb")set rsttest = db.openrecordset("select * from tblPrices where
tblPrices.Pricedate = #" & UpLoaddate & "#", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
In this case tblPrices is a link in access to the tblPrices table in SQL
Server. What's going on? I hope you could help me.
Peter Vanderploeg