It is not totally clear to me what are u trying to do... But in second
query it seems there is missing "from"
It is as
SELECT week-date::date AS week-date WHERE week-date in (subquery which
have from)
So week-date column in main query does not exist..
Sent from my Windows Phone From: John Fabiani
Sent: 16 December 2011 05:16
Subject: [SQL] using a generated series in function
I am attempting (without success) use the generated series of dates that come
select (cast(date_trunc('week', '2011-11-20'::date ) as date) + (i+6)) as
week_date from generate_series(0,84,7) i
in a function.
select function_name(integer, date); -- function returns a numeric
This does NOT work:
select (function_name(303, week_date::date)) as week_date where week_date in
(select (cast(date_trunc('week', '2011-11-20'::date ) as date) + (i+6)) as
week_date from generate_series(0,84,7) i )
The error is:
ERROR: column "week_date" does not exist
LINE 1: select (xchromasun._chromasun_getqtyordered(303, week_date::...
I hope I can do this? What am I doing wrong?
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