A.2. Postgres Pro Shardman 14.15.3 #

Release date: 2025-02-10

This release is based on PostgreSQL 14.15 and Shardman 14.15.2 and provides new features, optimizations and bug fixes. Major changes are as follows:

A.2.1. Core and Extensions #

  • Added the shardman.pg_indoubt_xacts view that displays information about transactions that are currently in the InDoubt state.

  • Added the global views for the system catalog and statistics-related views.

  • Added new fields to the shardman.silk_connects, shardman.silk_backends, and shardman.silk_routing views that show time from the last reading or writing event of a connect or a backend.

  • Added a new error message for the coordinator if the MT_SPI message size exceeds the silk_max_message value, if a query is executed via Silk.

  • Added new diagnostic messages for the scenarios where the exported transaction state size is more than half of shardman.silk_max_message.

  • Updated the maximum values of the shardman.silk_num_workers, shardman.silk_unassigned_job_queue_size, shardman.silk_max_message, shardman.silk_shmem_size, shardman.silk_netbuf_size, shardman.silk_suspend_shmqe_limit, shardman.silk_resume_shmqe_limit, shardman.silk_suspend_netqe_limit, and shardman.silk_resume_netqe_limit parameters.

  • Added a feature to pushdown the type conversion operations to a remote server.

  • Added a new limitation for the self-referencing sharded tables that are allowed only if a foreign key is referencing the same partition of the sharded table.

  • Upgraded etcd to version 3.5.18.

A.2.2. Management Utilities #