A.7. Postgres Pro Shardman 14.13.2 #

Release date: 2024-10-22

This release provides new features, optimizations and bug fixes. Major changes are as follows:

A.7.1. Core and Extensions #

  • Added a new configuration parameter shardman.silk-flow-control that controls the mode of handling read events. It has three possible values: none, round_robin, and shortest_job_first.

  • Added the shardman.pg_stat_foreign_stat_bytes view that shows the amount of statistics for foreign relations transferred over the network between Shardman cluster nodes. Also added the corresponding global view shardman.gv_stat_foreign_bytes.

  • Added a new configuration parameter shardman.sync_cluster_settings that enables cluster-wide synchronization of configuration parameters set by user.

  • Added a new configuration parameter shardman.sync_cluster_settings_blacklist that excludes the options not to be propagated to a remote cluster.

  • Added a new configuration parameter enable_sql_func_custom_plans. If enabled, custom plans can be created to run SQL functions. Enabled by default for the new clusters and disabled for the old ones.

  • Fixed a bug that previously resulted in shardmand hanging in case an etcd cluster looses quorum.

  • Allowed ALTER COLUMN SET STATISTICS for global and sharded tables.

  • Introduces the limitation for the privilege management per columns that is not supported for global tables.

  • Introduced a limitation that global tables cannot inherit other tables.

  • Removed the limitation for using of DEFERRABLE constraints for global tables that is now allowed.

  • Added a new field CSNXidMap_last_trim to the shardman.pg_stat_csn view that shows when the most recent shardman.trim_csnxid_map() function was called.

A.7.2. Management Utilities #

  • Added the shardmanctl psql command that creates a connection to the first available master node if no options are specified. If --shard is specified, the connection is installed with the shard current master.

  • Enabled the lz4 compression method for the default_toast_compression.

  • Fixed a bug that previously resulted in a failure of the shardmanctl probackup checkdb command when a custom port was specified in Shardman configuration.

  • Fixed a shardmand bug that previously resulted in the application failing with PANIC-level error in case of insufficient access rights to the DataDir directory.

  • Fixed a bug that previously resulted in primary server switching to a replica after restart. Also, added a new option --no-wait to the shardmanctl restart command (disabled by default).