A.10. Postgres Pro Shardman 14.12.1 #

Release date: 2024-06-06

This release provides new features, optimizations and bug fixes. Major changes are as follows:

A.10.1. Core and Extensions #

  • Added the new REMOTE parameter of EXPLAIN, enabled by default, which allows the EXPLAIN output for queries executed on foreign servers.

  • Implemented a Shardman-specific estimation logic for plan costs. It may help the planner choose generic plans more often when the overall shape of a generic plan is similar to that of a custom plan.

  • Added support for initial pruning of foreign aggregate plan nodes.

  • Added cumulative metrics for the network traffic between Shardman cluster nodes in the shardman.pg_stat_netusage view.

  • Updated the pg_stat_activity view to show the status of the monitor's worker processes.

A.10.2. Management Utilities #

  • Prevented the CVE-2023-45288 and CVE-2023-44487 vulnerabilities.

  • Fixed a bug in the shardmanctl cleanup command that could make it impossible to delete replication groups.

  • Improved the output of the shardmanctl forall command in the cases where the result is empty.

  • Fixed shardmand failures that could occur when the Shardman cluster was underconfigured.