E.6. Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.17.1

Release date: 2023-11-21

E.6.1. Overview

This release is based on PostgreSQL 12.17 and Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.16.3. All changes inherited from PostgreSQL 12.17 are listed in PostgreSQL 12.17 Release Notes. As compared with Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.16.3, this version also provides the following changes:

  • Added new configuration parameters pgpro_build, pgpro_edition, and pgpro_version, which report the Postgres Pro source code commit ID, edition, and server version respectively.

  • Fixed an issue with page pruning after upgrading Postgres Pro Enterprise cluster using pg_upgrade, which could manifest itself in cannot fit xid into page errors. Now updating transactions in multitransactions are taken in account so pd_xid_base for pages is calculated correctly.

  • Fixed displaying client connection information in pg_stat_activity when using the built-in connection pooler. Previously, the client_addr values were not updated for new sessions.

  • Fixed an internal issue that could arise when an index relation was moved to a different namespace similarly to a plain relation.

  • Upgraded oracle_fdw to version 2.6.0.

  • Upgraded orafce to version 4.6.1.

  • Upgraded pg_filedump to version 16.0.

  • Upgraded pgbouncer to version 1.20.1.

  • Upgraded pgpro_controldata to version 16.1.0.

  • Upgraded pg_hint_plan to version 1.3.9.

  • Upgraded pgpro_stats to version 1.6.3, which in particular fixed a code issue that prevented data generation for the pgpro_stats_vacuum_tables view. Accordingly the Database vacuum statistics table was not included in the pgpro_pwr report.

  • Upgraded pg_probackup to version 2.6.7 Enterprise, which in particular improved stability of the catchup command.

  • Upgraded PTRACK to version 2.5.1 Enterprise.

  • Fixed a segmentation fault, which could occur when the background worker of the database manager type was not created, but pgpro_scheduler assumed the opposite and continued operation.

E.6.2. Migration to Version 12.17.1

If you are upgrading from a Postgres Pro Enterprise release based on the same PostgreSQL major version, it is enough to install the new version into your current installation directory.

If you are migrating to the current major version of Postgres Pro Enterprise using pg_upgrade, and you want to keep the existing visibility map representation in pageinspect, you should run the VACUUM command before the upgrade.

It is strongly recommended to avoid migrating a cluster with 32-bit transaction IDs to Postgres Pro Enterprise versions below 12.16.2, if there are multitransactions in your database, as it may cause data corruption.

If you have previously migrated to Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.7.1 or lower, you must run the REINDEX command to rebuild GIN indexes.

If you have previously migrated from Postgres Pro Enterprise versions 11 or 10, you must run the REINDEX command to rebuild B-tree indexes, except for unique, covering and system indexes. If you are migrating from these versions now, rebuilding such indexes is also recommended.

If you are upgrading from Postgres Pro Enterprise versions 12.6.x or lower and take PTRACK backups using pg_probackup, retake a full backup after upgrade.

To migrate from PostgreSQL, as well as Postgres Pro Standard or Postgres Pro Enterprise based on a previous PostgreSQL major version, see the migration instructions for version 12.