Before VACUUM FULL ANALYZE - Short Query --------------------------------------- Sort (cost=9094.31..9094.40 rows=37 width=817) (actual time=1852.799..1877.738 rows=10000 loops=1) Sort Key: stok._key -> Seq Scan on scf_stokkart stok (cost=0.00..9093.34 rows=37 width=817) (actual time=8.670..1575.586 rows=10000 loops=1) Filter: (((_key)::text ~~ '00%'::text) OR ((_key)::text ~~ '01%'::text) OR ((_key)::text ~~ '$$%'::text)) SubPlan -> Aggregate (cost=237.29..237.29 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.136..0.138 rows=1 loops=10000) InitPlan -> Index Scan using scf_stokkart_birimleri_key_scf_stokkart_idx on scf_stokkart_birimleri birim (cost=0.00..209.59 rows=1 width=58) (actual time=0.088..0.093 rows=1 loops=10000) Index Cond: ((_key_scf_stokkart)::text = ($1)::text) Filter: (anabirim = '1'::bpchar) SubPlan -> Limit (cost=9.31..9.31 rows=1 width=17) (actual time=0.046..0.048 rows=1 loops=10000) -> Sort (cost=9.31..9.31 rows=2 width=17) (actual time=0.041..0.041 rows=1 loops=10000) Sort Key: tarih -> Index Scan using sis_doviz_kuru_key_sis_doviz_idx on sis_doviz_kuru kur (cost=0.00..9.30 rows=2 width=17) (actual time=0.018..0.029 rows=2 loops=10000) Index Cond: (($0)::text = (_key_sis_doviz)::text) -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..27.69 rows=1 width=16) (actual time=0.033..0.033 rows=0 loops=10000) -> Index Scan using scf_irsaliye_kalemi_key_kalemturu_idx on scf_irsaliye_kalemi irskal (cost=0.00..21.75 rows=1 width=58) (actual time=0.017..0.020 rows=0 loops=10000) Index Cond: ((_key_kalemturu)::text = ($1)::text) Filter: (((_key)::text ~~ '0000%'::text) OR ((_key)::text ~~ '0101%'::text) OR ((_key)::text ~~ '$$%'::text)) -> Index Scan using scf_irsaliye_pkey on scf_irsaliye irs (cost=0.00..5.94 rows=1 width=42) (actual time=0.021..0.021 rows=0 loops=3000) Index Cond: (("outer"._key_scf_irsaliye)::text = (irs._key)::text) Filter: (((karsifirma)::text = 'KENDI'::text) AND (((turu)::text = 'MAI'::text) OR ((turu)::text = 'KGI'::text) OR ((turu)::text = 'PS'::text) OR ((turu)::text = 'TS'::text) OR ((turu)::text = 'KC'::text) OR ((turu)::text = 'KCO'::text)) AND (((_key_sis_depo_dest)::text = '$$$$0000003l$1$$'::text) OR ((_key_sis_depo_dest)::text = '$$$$00000048$1$$'::text) OR ((_key_sis_depo_dest)::text = '$$$$0000004b$1$$'::text) OR ((_key_sis_depo_dest)::text = '$$$$0000004d$1$$'::text)) AND (tarih <= '2005-08-26'::date)) Total runtime: 1899.533 ms