Object value = rs.getObject(i + 1); if (value == null) { . . . } else if (value instanceof String) { . . . } else if ... else { String s = "Column number " + i + " (" + rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(i + 1) + ") " + " is of unexpected type: " + value.getClass().getName(); Class cls = value.getClass(); if ("org.postgresql.util.PGobject".equals(cls.getName())) { try { Method getType = cls.getMethod("getType", new Class[] {}); Object type = getType.invoke(value, new Object[] {}); s = s + "[" + type + "] "; } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } } s = s + value; throw new QueryException(s); } Athena ====== us.wi.state.courts.jade.query.QueryException: Column number 8 (totAdjustments) is of unexpected type: org.postgresql.util.PGobject[numeric] 0.00 getQueryString()=SELECT "acctCode", "assessNo", "balDue", "contraAcct", "paidToDate", "pmtPriority", "probAmt", "rcvblAcct", "totAdjustments", "totAmtDue", "payableNo", "countyNo" FROM "AssessDetail" WHERE ("countyNo"=56) AND ("assessNo" >= '97S 009234' AND ("assessNo" > '97S 009234' OR "acctCode" >= 'CSSF')) AND ("assessNo" <= '97S 009312' AND ("assessNo" < '97S 009312' OR "acctCode" <= 'CSSF')) ORDER BY "assessNo", "acctCode", "countyNo" us.wi.state.courts.jade.query.QueryException: Column number 2 (balDue) is of unexpected type: org.postgresql.util.PGobject[numeric] 0.00 getQueryString()=SELECT "acctCode", "assessNo", "balDue", "contraAcct", "paidToDate", "pmtPriority", "probAmt", "rcvblAcct", "totAdjustments", "totAmtDue", "payableNo", "countyNo" FROM "AssessDetail" WHERE ("countyNo"=70) AND ("assessNo" >= '05S 007919' AND ("assessNo" > '05S 007919' OR "acctCode" >= 'P700')) AND ("assessNo" <= '05S 007993' AND ("assessNo" < '05S 007993' OR "acctCode" <= 'CCFP')) ORDER BY "assessNo", "acctCode", "countyNo" us.wi.state.courts.jade.query.QueryException: Column number 20 (operLicState) is of unexpected type: org.postgresql.util.PGobject[bpchar] WI getQueryString()=SELECT "appearDate", "appearTime", "caseNo", "chargeNo", "chargeSeqNo", "citnNo", "depositAmt", "depositType", "filingDate", "issAgencyNo", "isMandatoryAppear", "offenseDate", "citnCode", "citnVin", "fineForfAmt", "mphOver", "officerId", "officerSeqNo", "operLicExpYear", "operLicNo", "operLicState", "vehicleIdNo", "vehLicState", "vehLicYear", "countyNo", "mphOverAmended", "weightOver", "weightOverAmended", "citnType", "opClassCode", "violationTime", "onStreet", "accSeverityCode", "isMinorPassenger", "dlClassCode", "dmvCommunityCode", "onHwyType", "onHwyDirectionCode", "onHwy", "estPoints", "isHoldCDL", "vehLicType", "vehModYear", "vehMakeCode", "vehStyleCode", "vehColorCode", "estDistanceCode", "estDistance", "estDirectionCode", "atHwyType", "atHwyDirectionCode", "atHwy", "atStreet", "vehActualSpeed", "postedSpeedLimit", "servedDate", "deliveryType", "hazardMatNo", "isTruckSurcharge", "cDLWaiverCode", "usDotNo", "plntfAgencyNo", "statuteCite", "statuteEffDate", "statuteSevSeqNo", "sevClsCode", "descr", "ordStatuteFlag", "individualType", "agencyComment", "accidentDocNo" FROM "Citn" WHERE ("countyNo"=20) AND ("caseNo" >= '1998TR006267' AND ("caseNo" > '1998TR006267' OR "issAgencyNo" >= 2015 AND ("issAgencyNo" > 2015 OR "citnNo" >= 'Y736039-3'))) AND ("caseNo" <= '1998TR006767' AND ("caseNo" < '1998TR006767' OR "issAgencyNo" <= 2007 AND ("issAgencyNo" < 2007 OR "citnNo" <= 'X600125-1'))) ORDER BY "caseNo", "issAgencyNo", "citnNo", "countyNo" us.wi.state.courts.jade.query.QueryException: Column number 4 (schedCode) is of unexpected type: org.postgresql.util.PGobject[bpchar] REST getQueryString()=SELECT "amtOwed", "amtPaid", "rcptSchedSeqNo", "rcptNo", "schedCode", "schedEffDate", "caseNo", "countyNo", "rcptTypeCode" FROM "RcptSched" WHERE ("countyNo"=58) AND ("rcptNo" >= '00R 002080' AND ("rcptNo" > '00R 002080' OR "schedCode" >= 'LFORF' AND ("schedCode" > 'LFORF' OR "schedEffDate" >= {ts '1995-10-01 00:00:00.0'} AND ("schedEffDate" > {ts '1995-10-01 00:00:00.0'} OR "rcptSchedSeqNo" >= 4)))) AND ("rcptNo" <= '00R 002285' AND ("rcptNo" < '00R 002285' OR "schedCode" <= 'WITN' AND ("schedCode" < 'WITN' OR "schedEffDate" <= {ts '1990-01-01 00:00:00.0'} AND ("schedEffDate" < {ts '1990-01-01 00:00:00.0'} OR "rcptSchedSeqNo" <= 1)))) ORDER BY "rcptNo", "schedCode", "schedEffDate", "rcptSchedSeqNo", "countyNo" us.wi.state.courts.jade.query.QueryException: Column number 15 (dispoTxt) is of unexpected type: org.postgresql.util.PGobject[varchar] Guilty / No Contest getQueryString()=SELECT "caseNo", "chargeNo", "chargeSeqNo", "dispoCode", "dispCtofcNo", "isJOC", "jdgmtSeqNo", "lastOrdSeqNo", "isModified", "orderDate", "isProbOrdered", "sentCostSurcharge", "sentFees", "sentFineForf", "sentRestitution", "dispoTxt", "jdgmtDispoDate", "orderTypeCode", "wcisReportDate", "countyNo" FROM "Jdgmt" WHERE ("countyNo"=61) AND ("caseNo" >= '1996TR001532' AND ("caseNo" > '1996TR001532' OR "chargeSeqNo" >= 1 AND ("chargeSeqNo" > 1 OR "jdgmtSeqNo" >= 1))) AND ("caseNo" <= '1996TR002007' AND ("caseNo" < '1996TR002007' OR "chargeSeqNo" <= 1 AND ("chargeSeqNo" < 1 OR "jdgmtSeqNo" <= 1))) ORDER BY "caseNo", "chargeSeqNo", "jdgmtSeqNo", "countyNo" us.wi.state.courts.jade.query.QueryException: Column number 16 (jdgmtDispoDate) is of unexpected type: org.postgresql.util.PGobject[date] 2001-03-06 getQueryString()=SELECT "caseNo", "chargeNo", "chargeSeqNo", "dispoCode", "dispCtofcNo", "isJOC", "jdgmtSeqNo", "lastOrdSeqNo", "isModified", "orderDate", "isProbOrdered", "sentCostSurcharge", "sentFees", "sentFineForf", "sentRestitution", "dispoTxt", "jdgmtDispoDate", "orderTypeCode", "wcisReportDate", "countyNo" FROM "Jdgmt" WHERE ("countyNo"=36) AND ("caseNo" >= '1998FO000141' AND ("caseNo" > '1998FO000141' OR "chargeSeqNo" >= 1 AND ("chargeSeqNo" > 1 OR "jdgmtSeqNo" >= 1))) AND ("caseNo" <= '1998FO000639' AND ("caseNo" < '1998FO000639' OR "chargeSeqNo" <= 1 AND ("chargeSeqNo" < 1 OR "jdgmtSeqNo" <= 1))) ORDER BY "caseNo", "chargeSeqNo", "jdgmtSeqNo", "countyNo" Plato ===== us.wi.state.courts.jade.query.QueryException: Column number 10 (state) is of unexpected type: org.postgresql.util.PGobject[bpchar] WI getQueryString()=SELECT "caseNo", "partyNo", "seqNo", "countyNo", "effDate", "city", "comments", "country", "secAddr", "primAddr", "state", "zip" FROM "PartyAddr" WHERE ("countyNo"=13) AND ("caseNo" >= '1990SC003806' AND ("caseNo" > '1990SC003806' OR "partyNo" >= 2 AND ("partyNo" > 2 OR "seqNo" >= 1))) AND ("caseNo" <= '1990SC004030' AND ("caseNo" < '1990SC004030' OR "partyNo" <= 1 AND ("partyNo" < 1 OR "seqNo" <= 1))) ORDER BY "caseNo", "partyNo", "seqNo", "countyNo" us.wi.state.courts.jade.query.QueryException: Column number 2 (isCheckedIn) is of unexpected type: org.postgresql.util.PGobject[bool] f getQueryString()=SELECT "isActiveInJuryYr", "isCalled", "isCheckedIn", "daysServed", "isEligible", "jurorId", "juryYear", "nameL", "panelRandomNo", "isQuestReturned", "isQuestSent", "roundTripMiles", "searchName", "isSvcCompleted", "hasSpclNeeds", "secAddr", "primAddr", "branchId", "city", "dob", "homePhone", "suffix", "panelId", "panelMemberNo", "poolId", "poolMemberNo", "prevJurorId", "prevJuryYear", "race", "sex", "ssn", "state", "workExt", "workPhone", "zip", "nameF", "nameM", "countyNo", "driverLicenseNo", "lastAddrSeqNo", "docId", "occupiedCode", "occupiedBranchId", "isAvailable", "isAddlQuestions", "statusCode", "importYear", "postponeCounter" FROM "Juror" WHERE ("countyNo"=18) AND ("jurorId" >= 201 AND ("jurorId" > 201 OR "juryYear" >= '2001')) AND ("jurorId" <= 251 AND ("jurorId" < 251 OR "juryYear" <= '2000')) ORDER BY "jurorId", "juryYear", "countyNo" us.wi.state.courts.jade.query.QueryException: Column number 0 (acctCode) is of unexpected type: org.postgresql.util.PGobject[bpchar] SF348 getQueryString()=SELECT "acctCode", "amt", "tranNo", "tranDetailSeqNo", "assessNo", "caseNo", "citnNo", "citnViolDate", "issAgencyNo", "partyNo", "payableNo", "rcvblNo", "countyNo" FROM "TranDetail" WHERE ("countyNo"=50) AND ("tranNo" >= 92835 AND ("tranNo" > 92835 OR "tranDetailSeqNo" >= 2)) AND ("tranNo" <= 92931 AND ("tranNo" < 92931 OR "tranDetailSeqNo" <= 3)) ORDER BY "tranNo", "tranDetailSeqNo", "countyNo" us.wi.state.courts.jade.query.QueryException: Column number 1 (fineForfSeqNo) is of unexpected type: org.postgresql.util.PGobject[int4] 17168 getQueryString()=SELECT "ffschEffDate", "fineForfSeqNo", "plntfAgencyNo", "schedCode", "schedEffDate", "statuteCite", "statuteEffDate", "statuteSevSeqNo", "totAmt", "defDaysToPay", "defEnfmtAct", "ffschExpDate", "points", "countyNo" FROM "FineForfSched" WHERE ("countyNo"=47) AND ("fineForfSeqNo" >= 17053) AND ("fineForfSeqNo" <= 17552) ORDER BY "fineForfSeqNo", "countyNo"