archiveopteryx=# EXPLAIN ANALYZE WITH RECURSIVE t (mailbox, uid, date, subject, sender, has_attachments, parent_uid, idx, depth) AS ( SELECT mailbox, uid, date, subject, sender, has_attachments, parent_uid, uid::text, 1 FROM arc_messages WHERE parent_uid IS NULL AND mailbox = 17 AND date >= '2007-11-01' AND date < '2007-12-01' UNION ALL SELECT a.mailbox, a.uid,, a.subject, a.sender, a.has_attachments, a.parent_uid, t.idx || '.' || a.uid::text, t.depth + 1 FROM t JOIN arc_messages a USING (mailbox) WHERE t.uid = a.parent_uid ) SELECT * FROM t ORDER BY idx ; QUERY PLAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sort (cost=92761.67..92769.91 rows=1647 width=121) (actual time=4183.736..4185.762 rows=1428 loops=1) Sort Key: t.idx Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 366kB CTE t -> Recursive Union (cost=0.00..92579.09 rows=1647 width=130) (actual time=0.030..4173.724 rows=1428 loops=1) -> Index Scan using arc_messages_mailbox_parent_id_date_key on arc_messages (cost=0.00..486.42 rows=567 width=94) (actual time=0.025..1.432 rows=482 loops=1) Index Cond: ((mailbox = 17) AND (parent_uid IS NULL) AND (date >= '2007-11-01 00:00:00+01'::timestamp with time zone) AND (date < '2007-12-01 00:00:00+01'::timestamp with time zone)) -> Merge Join (cost=729.68..9208.61 rows=108 width=130) (actual time=262.120..277.819 rows=63 loops=15) Merge Cond: ((a.mailbox = t.mailbox) AND (a.parent_uid = t.uid)) -> Index Scan using arc_messages_mailbox_parent_id_key on arc_messages a (cost=0.00..6452.25 rows=193871 width=94) (actual time=0.018..147.782 rows=85101 loops=15) -> Sort (cost=729.68..758.03 rows=5670 width=44) (actual time=0.403..0.559 rows=109 loops=15) Sort Key: t.mailbox, t.uid Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 25kB -> WorkTable Scan on t (cost=0.00..22.68 rows=5670 width=44) (actual time=0.003..0.145 rows=95 loops=15) -> CTE Scan on t (cost=0.00..6.59 rows=1647 width=121) (actual time=0.035..4179.686 rows=1428 loops=1) Total runtime: 4188.187 ms (16 rows)