-- Table: "Activity" -- DROP TABLE "Activity"; CREATE TABLE "Activity" ( "activityId" bigserial NOT NULL, "sphereId" bigint NOT NULL, "modifiedDate" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, "createdDate" timestamp without time zone NOT NULL, published boolean NOT NULL, "startDate" timestamp without time zone, "endDate" timestamp without time zone, "pointReward" integer, "assetId" bigint, description text, title citext, "eligibleGroup" bigint, "activityAction" text, "defaultDistributionGroup" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, "fulfilledCount" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "startedCount" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "lastUpdated" timestamp without time zone, "eligibleCount" integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "broadcastMessage" text, "broadcastChannels" text, broadcasted boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, repeatable boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, "repeatLimit" integer, "repeatDuration" text, status text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Active'::text, "broadcastDate" timestamp without time zone, "shouldBroadcast" boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, CONSTRAINT "Activity_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("activityId") ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE "Activity" OWNER TO postgres;