Thread: BUG #18824: Inconsistent results for isolation level settings
The following bug has been logged on the website: Bug reference: 18824 Logged by: dlyixue Email address: PostgreSQL version: 17.3 Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04 Description: When I was trying to set the isolation level, I realized that different methods of setting the same isolation level gave inconsistent results. This makes me wonder if the current setting is taking effect. In my opinion, use case 1 and use case 2 should have the same results. Why are the results of the queries different? Is this a design problem? I feel like the documentation needs to explain the difference as well. The test cases are as follows: Case 1: reproduce=# BEGIN; BEGIN reproduce=*# SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE; SET reproduce=*# SHOW TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL; transaction_isolation ----------------------- read committed (1 row) Case 2: reproduce=# BEGIN; BEGIN reproduce=*# SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE; SET reproduce=*# SHOW TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL; transaction_isolation ----------------------- serializable (1 row)
From the docs at
command sets the characteristics of the current transaction. It has no effect on any subsequent transactions.SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS
sets the default transaction characteristics for subsequent transactions of a session
In practical usage, I rarely use SET SESSION, I prefer to set it at the transaction level.
For your demo, try also examining SHOW default_transaction_isolation;
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