Thread: rpm .spec issues (python, tk)

rpm .spec issues (python, tk)

"James A. Pattie"
When trying to rebuild PostgreSQL 7.1.3 from source rpm last night on a
RH 7.0 box w/ all updates I ran into the
following issues.

When specifying --define 'python 0' it still requires python-devel
packages (which are not installed).  The attached patch should fix that
unless there is a reason that python-devel is needed for the other packages?

It then blew up with an error trying to build the tkpkg saying it
couldn't find some X related headers (I don't have X-devel installed),
so I did a --define 'tkpkg 0' and it then failed trying to install
pgaccess/pgaccess.  Should the .spec require X-devel as a prereq when
building the tkpkg?  Should we wrap the pgaccess installation section in
checks to make sure that tkpkg has been defined and built?

James A. Pattie

Linux  --  SysAdmin / Programmer
PC & Web Xperience, Inc.

--- postgresql.spec    Fri Aug 17 18:19:39 2001
+++    Mon Sep 17 20:41:29 2001
@@ -64,7 +64,10 @@
 Patch3: %{name}-7.1.s390x.patch
 Buildrequires: perl glibc-devel
 Prereq: /sbin/ldconfig initscripts
-BuildPrereq: python-devel perl tcl /lib/cpp
+BuildPrereq: perl tcl /lib/cpp
+%if %python
+BuildPrereq: python-devel
 %if %ssl
 BuildPrereq: openssl-devel