Thread: JDBC escaped scalar functions fail when used in function definition

JDBC escaped scalar functions fail when used in function definition

Adam Rauch
While testing postgresql-9.4.1208.jar with our system, code is now failing when it attempts to use {fn now()} in the body of a PostgreSQL CREATE FUNCTION statement. This worked fine on 1207 and all previous versions of the driver.

In other words, the code below succeeds on 1207 but fails on 1208 (passing in server, port, database, username, and password as parameters):
import java.sql.*;

public class PGTest
{   public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException   {       try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://" + args[0] + ":" + args[1] + "/" + args[2], args[3], args[4]))       {           try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(                   "CREATE FUNCTION public.fn_now() RETURNS VOID AS $$\n" +                           "    BEGIN\n" +                           "        SELECT {fn now()};" +                           "    END;\n" +                           "$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;" +                           "DROP FUNCTION public.fn_now();")) {               stmt.execute();           }       }   }
Bug? Intentional change in behavior? Thanks, Adam

Re: JDBC escaped scalar functions fail when used in function definition

"David G. Johnston"
On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 4:10 PM, Adam Rauch <> wrote:
While testing postgresql-9.4.1208.jar with our system, code is now failing when it attempts to use {fn now()} in the body of a PostgreSQL CREATE FUNCTION statement. This worked fine on 1207 and all previous versions of the driver.

In other words, the code below succeeds on 1207 but fails on 1208 (passing in server, port, database, username, and password as parameters):
import java.sql.*;

public class PGTest
{   public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException   {       try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://" + args[0] + ":" + args[1] + "/" + args[2], args[3], args[4]))       {           try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(                   "CREATE FUNCTION public.fn_now() RETURNS VOID AS $$\n" +                           "    BEGIN\n" +                           "        SELECT {fn now()};" +                           "    END;\n" +                           "$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;" +                           "DROP FUNCTION public.fn_now();")) {               stmt.execute();           }       }   }
Bug? Intentional change in behavior? Thanks, Adam


​Not translating values embedded in string literals, dollar-quoted or otherwise, seems like it is the correct way to operate - though finding an authoritative source on the topic wasn't quick (so I gave up...).

David J.

Re: JDBC escaped scalar functions fail when used in function definition

"David G. Johnston"
On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 4:10 PM, Adam Rauch <> wrote:
While testing postgresql-9.4.1208.jar with our system, code is now failing when it attempts to use {fn now()} in the body of a PostgreSQL CREATE FUNCTION statement. This worked fine on 1207 and all previous versions of the driver.

In other words, the code below succeeds on 1207 but fails on 1208 (passing in server, port, database, username, and password as parameters):
import java.sql.*;

public class PGTest
{   public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException   {       try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://" + args[0] + ":" + args[1] + "/" + args[2], args[3], args[4]))       {           try (PreparedStatement stmt = conn.prepareStatement(                   "CREATE FUNCTION public.fn_now() RETURNS VOID AS $$\n" +                           "    BEGIN\n" +                           "        SELECT {fn now()};" +                           "    END;\n" +                           "$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;" +                           "DROP FUNCTION public.fn_now();")) {               stmt.execute();           }       }   }
Bug? Intentional change in behavior? Thanks, Adam


​Not translating values embedded in string literals, dollar-quoted or otherwise, seems like it is the correct way to operate - though finding an authoritative source on the topic wasn't quick (so I gave up...).

David J.