Thread: Testing JDBC Prepared Statements

Testing JDBC Prepared Statements

Daniel Migowski
Hello dear developers,

We are beginning to have a bunch of SQL statements in an evolving
application, and are facing the problem, that every rename of a database
attribute (refactor early and often ;), breaks some of our statements.

To find what we broke, we are currently looking for postgresql to
prepare all the statements, without actually executing them, and to see,
which fail.

As far as I understand, the JDBC API wraps the internal implementation
of PreparedStatements from the user (and with PostgreSQL, there is a
distinction between client/server side prepared statements, anyway).

Is it possible with the PostgreSQL JDBC driver (leaving the JDBC API
space is allowed) to serverside prepare a statement without executing it?

With best regards,
Daniel Migowski

Re: Testing JDBC Prepared Statements

Kris Jurka

On Wed, 14 May 2008, Daniel Migowski wrote:

> Is it possible with the PostgreSQL JDBC driver (leaving the JDBC API
> space is allowed) to serverside prepare a statement without executing
> it?

PreparedStatement.getParameterMetaData will prepare a statement without
executing it.

Kris Jurka

Re: Testing JDBC Prepared Statements

Daniel Migowski
Kris Jurka schrieb: <blockquote cite="" type="cite">On Wed, 14
May2008, Daniel Migowski wrote: <br /><blockquote type="cite">Is it possible with the PostgreSQL JDBC driver (leaving
theJDBC API space is allowed) to serverside prepare a statement without executing it? <br /></blockquote>
PreparedStatement.getParameterMetaDatawill prepare a statement without executing it. <br /></blockquote> Thank you. I
alsoalready helped me with something like statement.executeQuery("PREPARY test AS "+myQueryToTest), but your variant
doesapropriate query parsing, which seem better.<br /><br /> With best regards,<br /> Daniel Migowski<br /><br /><br
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