Thread: generating a parent/child relationship in a trigger

generating a parent/child relationship in a trigger

Mark Harrison
Suppose I'm adding row to a table, and one of the columns is
a pathname.

I would like to generate in a separate table parent/child
relationships based on the path.

For example, adding "/foo/bar/baz" and "/foo/bar/bot" would
generate the following relationships

parent      child
------      -----
/foo        /foo/bar
/foo/bar    /foo/bar/baz
/foo/bar    /foo/bar/bot

Is this a reasonable thing to do in a trigger?  Does anybody
have a pl/sql snippet to do this?

Many TIA,

Mark Harrison
Pixar Animation Studios

Re: generating a parent/child relationship in a trigger

Thomas F.O'Connell
As long as your input is well-defined, you could certainly do something
like this in a trigger.

Instinctively, I would think that plperl might be a little more wieldy
than plpgsql for the required parsing, but I'm pretty sure a plpgsql
solution could be created. Don't have one handy, though...


Thomas F. O'Connell
Co-Founder, Information Architect
Sitening, LLC

Strategic Open Source: Open Your i™
110 30th Avenue North, Suite 6
Nashville, TN 37203-6320

On Apr 12, 2005, at 12:51 PM, Mark Harrison wrote:

> Suppose I'm adding row to a table, and one of the columns is
> a pathname.
> I would like to generate in a separate table parent/child
> relationships based on the path.
> For example, adding "/foo/bar/baz" and "/foo/bar/bot" would
> generate the following relationships
> parent      child
> ------      -----
> /foo        /foo/bar
> /foo/bar    /foo/bar/baz
> /foo/bar    /foo/bar/bot
> Is this a reasonable thing to do in a trigger?  Does anybody
> have a pl/sql snippet to do this?
> Many TIA,
> Mark
> --
> Mark Harrison
> Pixar Animation Studios
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings