Thread: How would I "close" a atble?

How would I "close" a atble?

"Tena Sakai"

Hi Everybody,

I have a weired situation.  Out of 17 tables which
comprise a database, one of them refuses to talk to
me.  When I issue:
  select * from marker;
it hangs.  When I replace * with amy column name, it
makes no difference.  It does not respond, unless I
issue ctrl-C.  I have checked with all other tables
and they are appear healthy.

I suspect for some reason the table got "opened" and
whoever opened, never closed it.  (This is my grasping-
the-straw theory.)  I have been using this database
pretty actively for last 3 months and this never
happened before.  Is there any way to explicitly close
this table?

The only other solution I can think of would be to
shutdown and restarting the database, which is what
I would like to avoid, if possible.

Any suggestions are welcome.


Tena Sakai

Re: How would I "close" a atble?

Tom Lane
"Tena Sakai" <> writes:
> I have a weired situation.  Out of 17 tables which
> comprise a database, one of them refuses to talk to
> me.  When I issue:
>   select * from marker;
> it hangs.

Some other session holding an exclusive lock on the table, perhaps?
Have you looked into pg_locks for matches to that table?

            regards, tom lane

Re: How would I "close" a atble?

"Tena Sakai"

Thank you, Tom!

> Some other session holding an exclusive lock on the table, perhaps?

That is exactly the case.
I see what I must do.  Many thanks.


Tena Sakai

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane []
Sent: Mon 12/17/2007 4:11 PM
To: Tena Sakai
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] How would I "close" a atble?

"Tena Sakai" <> writes:
> I have a weired situation.  Out of 17 tables which
> comprise a database, one of them refuses to talk to
> me.  When I issue:
>   select * from marker;
> it hangs.

Some other session holding an exclusive lock on the table, perhaps?
Have you looked into pg_locks for matches to that table?

                        regards, tom lane

Re: How would I "close" a atble?

"Tena Sakai"

Hi Tom,

By a bit of poking around, I am discovering interesting
things, but I am a bit lost...  (Before I go on, I should
state that I am running postgres 8.2.4 on RedHat Linux with
Dell hardware.)

Here's what I did:

I issued: select locktype, relation, transactionid, transaction, mode, pid, granted
            from pg_locks
           order by pid, relation;

and it returned bunch of lines like:
     locktype    | relation | transactionid | transaction |        mode         |  pid  | granted
   relation      |    16490 |               |   147605258 | ShareLock           |  6697 | t
   relation      |    16496 |               |   147605258 | AccessExclusiveLock |  6697 | f
   transactionid |          |     147605258 |   147605258 | ExclusiveLock       |  6697 | t
   relation      |    10328 |               |   147611506 | AccessShareLock     |  7988 | t
   transactionid |          |     147611506 |   147611506 | ExclusiveLock       |  7988 | t
   relation      |    16490 |               |   147611384 | AccessShareLock     | 12930 | t
   relation      |    16496 |               |   147611384 | AccessShareLock     | 12930 | f
   relation      |    16517 |               |   147611384 | AccessShareLock     | 12930 | t
   transactionid |          |     147611384 |   147611384 | ExclusiveLock       | 12930 | t
   relation      |    16490 |               |   147605344 | AccessShareLock     | 18177 | t
   relation      |    16496 |               |   147605344 | AccessShareLock     | 18177 | f
   relation      |    16517 |               |   147605344 | AccessShareLock     | 18177 | t
   transactionid |          |     147605344 |   147605344 | ExclusiveLock       | 18177 | t
   relation      |    16490 |               |   147611403 | AccessShareLock     | 18825 | t
   relation      |    16496 |               |   147611403 | AccessShareLock     | 18825 | f
   relation      |    16517 |               |   147611403 | AccessShareLock     | 18825 | t

That pid 6697 caught my interest and I fished it out of "ps -ef":
  postgres  6697  4916  0 Dec15 ?        00:19:45 postgres: postgres canon [local] REINDEX waiting
(and for the sake of completeness...)
  postgres 12930  4916  0 11:24 ?        00:00:00 postgres: gbrush canon SELECT waiting
  postgres 18177  4916  0 Dec15 ?        00:00:02 postgres: gbrush canon SELECT waiting
  postgres 18825  4916  0 12:55 ?        00:00:00 postgres: tsakai canon SELECT waiting

This (pid 6697) is a cron job from wee hour Saturday and it
is part of vacuuming script.  I have used this particular
script to do the vacuuming for a few weeks and never caused
hanging like this before.  I could kill this process from unix
level, but before I do so, would you please comment as to why
this might have happened and what repercussion might I have
from killing it, if any?

Thank you.


Tena Sakai

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane []
Sent: Mon 12/17/2007 4:11 PM
To: Tena Sakai
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] How would I "close" a atble?

"Tena Sakai" <> writes:
> I have a weired situation.  Out of 17 tables which
> comprise a database, one of them refuses to talk to
> me.  When I issue:
>   select * from marker;
> it hangs.

Some other session holding an exclusive lock on the table, perhaps?
Have you looked into pg_locks for matches to that table?

                        regards, tom lane

Re: How would I "close" a atble?

Tom Lane
"Tena Sakai" <> writes:
> That pid 6697 caught my interest and I fished it out of "ps -ef":
>   postgres  6697  4916  0 Dec15 ?        00:19:45 postgres: postgres canon [local] REINDEX waiting
> (and for the sake of completeness...)
>   postgres 12930  4916  0 11:24 ?        00:00:00 postgres: gbrush canon SELECT waiting
>   postgres 18177  4916  0 Dec15 ?        00:00:02 postgres: gbrush canon SELECT waiting
>   postgres 18825  4916  0 12:55 ?        00:00:00 postgres: tsakai canon SELECT waiting

The deal here is that the REINDEX is blocked trying to get exclusive
lock on table 16496, while those other guys are (apparently) stacked
up behind it.  What you have not shown us is what transaction has
actually *got* a lock on 16496.

> I could kill this process from unix
> level, but before I do so, would you please comment as to why
> this might have happened and what repercussion might I have
> from killing it, if any?

kill -INT would probably be safe enough, but you should first look into
what is blocking the REINDEX from going through.

            regards, tom lane

Re: How would I "close" a atble?

"Tena Sakai"

Hi Tom,

> What you have not shown us is what transaction has
> actually *got* a lock on 16496.

Would you mind enlightening me as to how I can do so?
I stared at the output from pg_locks a long time and
just can't get more than what I had gotten out of.


Tena Sakai

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane []
Sent: Mon 12/17/2007 8:25 PM
To: Tena Sakai
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] How would I "close" a atble?

"Tena Sakai" <> writes:
> That pid 6697 caught my interest and I fished it out of "ps -ef":
>   postgres  6697  4916  0 Dec15 ?        00:19:45 postgres: postgres canon [local] REINDEX waiting
> (and for the sake of completeness...)
>   postgres 12930  4916  0 11:24 ?        00:00:00 postgres: gbrush canon SELECT waiting
>   postgres 18177  4916  0 Dec15 ?        00:00:02 postgres: gbrush canon SELECT waiting
>   postgres 18825  4916  0 12:55 ?        00:00:00 postgres: tsakai canon SELECT waiting

The deal here is that the REINDEX is blocked trying to get exclusive
lock on table 16496, while those other guys are (apparently) stacked
up behind it.  What you have not shown us is what transaction has
actually *got* a lock on 16496.

> I could kill this process from unix
> level, but before I do so, would you please comment as to why
> this might have happened and what repercussion might I have
> from killing it, if any?

kill -INT would probably be safe enough, but you should first look into
what is blocking the REINDEX from going through.

                        regards, tom lane

Re: How would I "close" a atble?

Tom Lane
"Tena Sakai" <> writes:
>> What you have not shown us is what transaction has
>> actually *got* a lock on 16496.

> Would you mind enlightening me as to how I can do so?

Are there no other rows in pg_locks that reference relation 16496?
None of the ones you showed us had granted=t, but there must be one
unless things are much more broken than I think.

            regards, tom lane

Re: How would I "close" a atble?

"Tena Sakai"

Hi Tom,

Here it is!

     locktype    | relation | transactionid | transaction |        mode         |   pid  | granted
   relation      |    16496 |               |   147195029 | AccessShareLock     |  22833 | t

I kept looking at the ones I emailed to you which
omitted a few rows from the bottom.  That was dumb!

I issued "kill -INT 22833" and in a few minutes
pg_locks view shrunk to 2 rows from 41 rows.

Many thanks for following up with this problem.


Tena Sakai

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane []
Sent: Mon 12/17/2007 10:43 PM
To: Tena Sakai
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] How would I "close" a atble?

"Tena Sakai" <> writes:
>> What you have not shown us is what transaction has
>> actually *got* a lock on 16496.

> Would you mind enlightening me as to how I can do so?

Are there no other rows in pg_locks that reference relation 16496?
None of the ones you showed us had granted=t, but there must be one
unless things are much more broken than I think.

                        regards, tom lane