Thread: useing strings for cursors with libpq

useing strings for cursors with libpq

Rob Brown-Bayliss
Hi all.  

I am trying to pass a cursor to a function like so:

void Begin_DB(gchar *cursor)
{GString *tempstring;gchar *thecursor;
tempstring = g_string_new("DECLARE mycursor CURSOR FOR ");                g_string_append(tempstring, cursor);
                     thecursor = tempstring->str;                g_string_free(tempstring,
FALSE);printf("%s",thecursor);res= PQexec(conn, "BEGIN");        if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)
        {                fprintf(stderr, "BEGIN command failed\n");                PQclear(res);
exit_nicely(conn);           }        PQclear(res);
        /*         * fetch instances from the players.         */        res = PQexec(conn, thecursor);        if (!res
||PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK)            {                fprintf(stderr, "DECLARE CURSOR command 
failed\n");                PQclear(res);                exit_nicely(conn);            }        PQclear(res);

but it always fails.  Is it possible to pass a cursor like this?  (I am 
a long way from being a C expert but it appears to me that thecursor has 
the string I am looking for)

 Rob Brown-Bayliss ---====<*>====---
 live from ZOOstation