"Stefano Cracolici"
Hello, I have a problem:
I have realized, in C++6, a program to elaborate speech files,
now I want to realize an graphic interface that allows me to plot the graph of results.
Till now in the program, I have utilized files .txt obtained by files.wav, I would like to use,
directly, a file .wav. 
The interface has to permit to plot a file . wav  (speech file), to select, on the graph, an interval
that will be elaborate by program and to plot the file result.  (The program uses files .txt)
I thought to use a TChart with a TSeries: is it possible to use a file .wav as file data_base
into TChart?, if it is possible, can I do? 
If instead of to use files .wav I utilize file .txt , how is it possible to put the data to TSries?
(The graphic must be spectrogram)
Thank you for your help.
P.S.: Excuse me for my english